1: Introduction and Chapter 1
2: Joseph
3: Joseph Visits Bethlehem
4: The Angel and the Shepherds
5: Circumcision
6: Herod Affrighted
7: The Magi Warned
8: Herod Massacres Children
9: Jesus at 12
10: The Gospel to Jesus at 30
11: A Leper Cured
12: First Sermon of Jesus
13: Gabriel Comforteth Jesus
14: Forty Days of Fasting & Twelve Apostles
15: Water into Wine
16: The Sermon on the Mount
17: The Doctrine Concerning God
18: Render Good for Evil
19: Betrayal Foretold & Lepers Healed
20: Miracle on the Sea
21: Swine Cast into the Sea
22: Uncircumcised As Dogs
23: Origin of Circumcision
24: Rich and Poor
25: Despise Flesh
26: Abraham’s Father
27: Abraham’s Prudence
28: Abraham Escapes Fire
29: Then Spake God
30: Eternal Life
31: Priests and a centurion
32: Statues of Flesh
33: The Greatest Sin
34: Be Humble
35: Satan Rebels
36: True Prayer and its Significance
37: A Prayer
38:Ablution Before Prayer
39:Adam Gets Life
40:Adam and Eve Fell in Temptation
41:They Leave Paradise
42: I am not the Messiah
43: Promise to Ishmael
44: Sacrifice Ishmael
45: Who is a Hypocrite
46: Laborers in the Vineyard
47: The Widow’s son of Nain
48: Tumult at Nain
49: Jesus Preacheth at Capernaum
50: Concerning Judgment
51: Jesus Hath Pity on Satan
52: Dreadful Day
53: Signs of the Judgment Day
54: Of the Judgment Day
55: Muhammad at the Judgment Day
56: The Book is Opened
57: The Reprobates at the Judgment Day
58: No Pity on Reprobates
59: Concerning Hell
60: Torment of Hell
61: A Parable
62: Example of the Merchant
63: Warning Against Vengeance
64: Against Vengeance
65: The Probatica
66: God alone is good
67: Corrupted Sacrifice
68: Reward or Punishment for Priests
69: On Priests Preferring This World
70: Peter Rebuked
71: Healings in Galilee
72: Prophecy When Gospel is Annulled
73: Four Ways by Satan
74: Sin in Thought
75: A Recipe For Clean Thoughts
76: Three Kinds of Husbandmen
77: Right Use of Knowledge
78: Value of Learning
79: Law Not For Love of Law
80: Learn to Work Well
81: A Woman of Samaria
82: Woman-a Truth Seeker
83: The Other Food
84: Purity in Prayer
85: True Friends
86:Qualities of Friends
87:Put Off Fleshly Prudence
88: Man is amended with mercy
89: Never cut off from mercy
90: Of Faith
91: Disturbance Regarding Jesus
92: Hailed as God near Jordan
93: Jesus: I’m like other men
94: Miracles of other Prophets
95: Attributes of God
96: Mercy to the World
97: Muhammad is his blessed name
98: Decree of Roman Senate
99: God is Jealous for His Honor
100: 82 Sent for Preaching
101: Penitence for pure love of God
102: Mourning for Sins
103: Weep for Sins only
104: Measure sorrow not tears
105: Universe before God is like a small grain
106: The Body, the Soul and the Sense
107: Fast of Penitence
108: Sleep of Body and Soul
109: Never forget God
110: Desire for good
111: Weep, Fast and Watch
112: A Secret revealed to Barnabas
113: Parable of a barren fig tree
114: Man is born to work
115: Lust
116: The Lust of Eye may blind you
117: Elijah and the blind man
118: Guard the Eye
119: Prayer is the medicine of the soul
120: Vain talk weakens Intellect
121: Talk as necessary
122: Evils of Avarice
123: On the Composition of Man
124: The Faith is one
125: Give for love of God
126: Desciples preach throughout Judaea
127: Jesus Preaches at Jerusalem
128: Prayers of a pharisee and a publican
129: Jesus at Simon’s house
130: Simon and a public sinner
131: John at Herod’s table
132: Sower and the tares
133: Infidel fathers, faithful sons
134: Regarding preachers
135: Seven Centers of Hell
136: Every one shall see Hell
137:Faithful without Deeds
138:Miracle of the Harvest
139: Betrayal Foretold
140: Measure Life by Death
141: Contemplate on Death
142: Judas Confers with Priests
143:Disciples arrive at Damascus
144:Of The Origin of Pharisees
145:The Little Book of Elijah
146:The Prodigal Son
147:The Prodigal Son …
148: The Two Hermit-Pharisees
149: The Two Hermit-Pharisees…
150: The Two Hermit-Pharisees…
151: The Marks of a True Pharisee
152: Roman Soldiers
153: Miracle Wrought on Soldiers
154: Jesus and a Doctor
155: On the Forbidden Fruit
156: The Man Born Blind
157: The Man Born Blind…
158: The World of Three Kinds
159: Of the Nature of Sin
160: Ahab and Micaiah
161: Of Nature of Sin
162: Of Predestination
163: Muhammad-the White Cloud of Mercy
164: No Predestination unto Reprobation
165:The Elect
166: Predestination and Freedom
167: Predestination Inscrutable
168: The Clear Mirror
169: Of the Glory of Paradise
170: Wages Forever
171: Abundance of Rewards in Paradise
172: Grain of Sand to the Sea
173: Abundance in Paradise
174: Body without Putrefaction.
176: No Envy in Paradise
177: Sun and Moon of Paradise
178: Flawed Logic of Peter
179: God thru Eye of Paradise
180: Man’s Merit
181: Shun: “I Merit”
182: Call me Brother not Lord
183: True Humility
184: Left with False Pharisees
185:Haggai and Obadiah
186:Haggai’s Prayer
187:Haggai and Hosea
188:Hosea in Jerusalem
189: The Sun Stands Still
190: Do not Offend God at all costs
191: Book of Moses on the Messiah
192:Lazarus is Sick
193:Jesus at the tomb of Lazarus
194:The Raising of Lazarus
195:Jesus in the house of Lazarus
196: and converts him not
197: The Similitude of a good Axe
198:On death and its teaching
199:Of Mercy and merit
200:Jesus Entereth Jerusalem
201:The Women taken in adultery
202:Of the Righteous Unrighteous
203:God’s Judgement on Jerusalem
204:Judgement on Jerusalem (cont)
205: House of Simon the Leper
206: Jesus Confronts the Priest
207: Jesus Confronts the Priest (contd)
208: Priests Try Stoning Jesus
209: Gabriel Comforts Mary
210: They Search for Jesus
211: Jesus Consoles his Disciples
212: Jesus Prays
213: Jesus Washes Disciples’ Feet
214: Judas Betrays
215: Divine Rescue of Jesus
216: Judas Transformed
217: Judas Scourged and Mocked
218: Judas Crucified
219: Jesus appeareth to his Friends
220: Jesus and the Four Angels
221: Jesus Chargeth Barnabas to Write
222: Jesus Carried Up to Heaven